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Hope Ministry

with Inseong Kim
Dirk Smith - VP of Eastern European Mission Sunday, July 28, 2024
Vice President Dirk Smith joined Eastern European Mission following his highly successful tenure as a development officer with his alma mater, Harding University. An accomplished manager, he earned experience in business development with an eye for revenue building through positions with firms like Jackson & Coker in Dallas, Texas, and T. Williams Consulting serving clients in Pennsylvania, New Jersey and New York. He has a bachelor’s degree in Mathematics and an MBA with a focus on Organizational Development and Ethics. At EEM, Dirk oversees fundraising and marketing efforts as well as assists with U.S. operations. He is an experienced presenter and storyteller and loves sharing the stories of what God is doing through the ministry of EEM. Dirk is married to his beautiful wife and best friend, Julianne. They reside in the Nashville area. Radio Program 960 The Patriot KKNT and 1360AM KPXQ +10 more cities Follow Inseong on all social media platforms!InstagramFacebookXLinkedIn

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Psalm 23

We live in a broken world with full of challenges, failures, and disappointments. As life continues, many unknowns lie before us that can weigh us down, inflicting wounds that often get buried or ignored. We have been created to thrive in our relationships with God, our family, our neighbors and ourselves. By knowing that God is our Good Shepherd, understanding the identity that we have as his precious sheep, we can find rest and healing in our souls. Through this humble book, Healing Through Psalm 23, may God comfort you who are suffering, who are in pain, who need forgiveness; may you know God, walk confidently and grow into the maturity of coming alongside others in their journey of healing.

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