No Porn Marriage

with Dr. Greg and Erin Smalley
Episode 3 - Effects on Marriage Friday, December 6, 2024
Like mold on dinner, pornography can spoil the precious gift of intimacy in your marriage. Chris and Cindy Beall discuss how sexual addiction led him to have an affair; Jonathan Daugherty tells the story of how pornography nearly cost him his marriage; and Greg and Erin share more of their story of taking steps toward healing.

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I Don't Want a Divorce

What could be good about a bad marriage? The good news is that couples can get beyond their old marriage and its destructive habits and build a brand-new one with the same spouse. And they can do it in just 90 days, even if only one spouse is committed to change.Thousands of couples in marriages that are on the brink of divorce will never enter a therapist's office. For others, it's too late by the time they do agree to come. But for more than twenty years, David Clarke has seen marriages turn around in just three months. In I Don't Want a Divorce, he takes his practical plan and presents it using wit, Scripture, and personal stories to help couples turn difficult marriages into great ones. Whether the issue is communication, the kids, negative attitudes, or even serious sin, Clarke's personalized approach will put readers on the road to a great marriage.

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