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Telling the Truth

with Stuart and Jill Briscoe
Living Today in the Light of Tomorrow Tuesday, September 10, 2024
We tend to think in terms of the here and now, and that’s understandable—we live here and we’re living now!  But this world is not home for believers.  If we’re too focused on the things of this world and never give a thought to living in the light of tomorrow, we won’t live well in the HERE and NOW! This might all sound like a challenging riddle, but the Apostle Peter uses this line of thinking to warn us about the risk of becoming so earthbound and seduced by the things of this world that we lose sight of heaven.  But what does living in light of tomorrow look like? In this message, Stuart Briscoe teaches from 2 Peter about living in anticipation of the eternal days to come, so that we can live our best life now.  

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Stand firm for truth in today’s shifting culture!

Our culture is full of ever-shifting beliefs, and we want to help you stand firm for truth amidst the world’s confusion by sending you Stuart Briscoe’s six-message series, Six Things We Must Never Forget.  This series will help equip you to test any new idea against the timeless truth of Scripture—and it’s our thanks for your gift to help more people experience Life in Christ. So request your copy today!   

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