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The Christian Worldview

with David Wheaton
What Does Husband Have To Do With Father? Saturday, June 15, 2024
GUEST: BRUCE WHEATON, father of host David WheatonThis Father’s Day weekend, we are going to go back in time to 2010 to hear an interview with my own father, Bruce Wheaton.Many of you know that God welcomed my dad into heaven February 1, 2023 at age 91. Our family has joy that he is in the eternal presence of the Savior he believed, loved, and obeyed. But we miss his presence with us tremendously, for he was a beloved husband, father, and friend to not just the members of his family but to many others as well.My mom, who is 90, misses my dad most of all, which is understandable, considering they met when she was 15 and he 17 and were married for nearly 70 years. But God has given her a strong faith and a loving family to surround and help her. Her family, my siblings and grandkids, was taught and influenced greatly by my dad. So he is still strongly felt.Proverbs 20:7 says, “A righteous man who walks in his integrity—How blessed are his sons after him.” That is the certainly the case with my siblings and me.For many years, probably more than 15, my dad and/or my mom were guests on the program either on Mother’s Day or Father’s Day. It seemed normal to me to talk to my dad about various issues because that’s what we did as a family in the regular course of life. So what you hear today is what we heard in our home.If you are a father, we hope you have a most blessed Father’s Day and may you, with God’s grace, continue growing into the man, husband and father that God desires you to be.--------------------Upcoming TCW Events:Overcomer Course for Young Adults, June 21-22The Overcomer Cup at Hazeltine National, Sept 16

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Who am I? This question holds great significance, and the answer is defining a generation and impacting eternity. Martyn Iles, the Executive CEO of Answers in Genesis, masterfully equips this generation with truth and hope providing a compelling biblical apologetic on this issue of identity in his book, Who Am I? The freedom to create or choose your own identity is being normalized by our culture. This self-created worldview leads to self-worship. According to Iles, this age of identity “is immunizing a generation against a sense of their sinfulness and desperate need before God. It is telling them to take that for which Christ had to die — their “true selves” — and to embrace it, live by it, and be proud of it. This is a message that ensures people will never get over the threshold of God’s kingdom because they will never be poor in spirit. It is condemning a generation to hell.” Pg 32 LOOK INSIDE“As you read this book, you’ll dive deep into Genesis and God’s design for mankind. Martyn pulls out eternal truths that the church has long taught and known and applies them anew for a lost and confused generation. And he does so in a way that points to Christ and His completed work for us on the Cross.” Ken Ham, Founding CEO of Answers in Genesis Read Who Am I? to anchor yourself and your family in the gospel. While the world chooses to indoctrinate even the youngest students to dismiss God’s law, this graphically engaging and easy to read, Christian resource will arm you with the pure wisdom of the incorruptible Word of God. Use Who Am I? in family devotions, Bible study groups, and evangelical events allowing the double-edged sword of the Bible to penetrate and remove the veil of deception covering our culture. 

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