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The Christian Worldview

with David Wheaton
Would a Trump Victory Hold Back the Romans 1 Tidal Wave? Part 1 of 2 Saturday, September 7, 2024
Send us a textGUEST: JAMES WHITE, Alpha and Omega MinistriesIn the opening chapter of the apostle Paul’s letter to the Romans, he describes God-rejecting mankind, who “suppress the truth in unrighteousness”, whose “foolish hearts were darkened”, who “exchanged the truth of God for the lie”, and worship themselves and their pleasures rather than the Creator.God’s judgment on these rebels is the wrath of abandonment, where God “gives them over” to plunge deeper into sin. When this occurs, wickedness explodes—heterosexual immorality becomes homosexuality immorality becomes a “depraved mind” which takes delight in and gives “hearty approval” to all manner of iniquity.The United States of America, though founded with Christian values, has descended over the decades into a Romans 1 society. What God established—marriage, morality, gender, truth, life—is now vehemently rejected. And as we near a pivotal election, half or more of the electorate will vote for the Democratic Party, the loud and proud leaders of Romans 1, to normalize and expand their sinful “freedoms”.The Republican Party, on the other hand, is trailing a decade or two behind. Who would have thought that the GOP would abandon its former commitment to protect unborn humans in the womb? Who would think they would give up the fight for the family and go silent on unnatural “marriages” and child-rearing?But moving left is what has happened on these and other issues, such as illegal immigration, spending, and globalism. Donald Trump has led the Republican Party since becoming president in 2016. Now running for reelection in 2024, he has sniffed the wind in the country and concluded that to get elected, he needs to give our Romans 1 nation more of what it wants.And yet the alternative to Trump in our only-two-viable-parties system is Kamala Harris and Tim Walz, who advocate for the ungodly and un-American ideology of Marxism. So what are Biblical Christians to think and do in this election and going forward?James White is the director of Alpha and Omega Ministries, a decades-old apologetic ministry based in Phoenix AZ and the host of the popular podcast called The Dividing Line. A skilled debater, anti-abortion advocate, seminary professor, and pastor at Apologia Church in AZ, James will join us this week and next on The Christian Worldview to discuss a wide range of issues, from how we arrived at this point in America to the compromise in the Evangelical Church to abortion to voting integrity to whether a Trump victory would hold back the Romans 1 tidal wave.We hope you gain from hearing from a sharp Christian who recognizes the reality of our moment and offers strong Biblical insight.

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