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The Christians Hour

with Bob Russell, Tim Harlow, Rick Atchley, Ben Cachiaras, Aaron Brockett, and Gene Appel
Got Strength? Thursday, August 1, 2024
My wife and I enjoy camping and hiking in the mountains of Colorado.  It is such a contrast to the Midwest where we make our home.  As the years go by, though, I am finding those mountains get taller and taller.  Hiking in the high altitudes gets harder with each passing year, and my energy, my stamina, my strength runs out much sooner than it used to.    Over the next few weeks Rick Atchley will be leading us in a study of Strength, a series entitled “Stronger”.  Rick is the lead pastor with the Hill’s Church in Fort Worth, Texas.  Today’s message is entitled “Got Strength?”   So many aspects of life require various kinds of strength, stamina, energy, and our Spiritual Lives are no different.  Life is hard and Spiritual energy runs out, we need to be renewed.  So, with a prescription for God’s spiritual vitamins, here’s Rick.   

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