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The Christians Hour

with Bob Russell, Tim Harlow, Rick Atchley, Ben Cachiaras, Aaron Brockett, and Gene Appel
Grace is Stronger Thursday, August 15, 2024
Here is a bold statement:  All the bad in this world we have to deal with is not from God, it is the result of our sin, bringing down the perfect world God created for us.  In today’s message, our speaker Rick Atchley contends that most of the struggles that weaken us are simply the fallout of living in a marred creation.  In fact, Rick says “since weakness is a consequence of darkness, it should never be met with passive meekness ”!    Our speaker this month is Rick Atchley.  Rick is the lead pastor with “The Hills Church” with multiple campuses in the Fort Worth, Texas area and beyond.    This month’s series is entitled “Strong” and we’re unpacking how  Strength is both a grace and a choice. It is a gift from God, and it is a pursuit of those who live in fellowship with God. The Bible tells us to be strong in the Lord, and in this series we are exploring how we can receive the gift and make THE choice.  Here’s Rick…

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