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A Daily Walk

with John Randall
A Song in the Night Part 1 Thursday, June 20, 2024
No doubt you’ve had this happen to you… you’re absolutely confident God has called you to accept a job, or move somewhere, or begin a ministry… and then suddenly the door slams shut and you no longer have a peace about it.  The Lord then changes your direction and you’re left wondering what’s up!  Did you really hear God correctly? Maybe you grow discouraged?  Sound familiar?  Today we’ll learn from the apostle Paul’s experience recorded for us in Acts sixteen. So how will you handle it next time it happens to you?  

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Featured Offer from A Daily Walk

“Stand for the Flag, Kneel for the Cross” t-shirt

Maybe you’ve noticed that a simple message on a t-shirt can often lead to some great conversations.   Today we’d like to offer you one of our latest tees.  It’s the “Stand for the Flag, Kneel for the Cross” t-shirt.  Take a look at it right now in our estore.

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